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February, 2025

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Weather forecast is for temperatures in the 30’s. Let’s get out to enjoy it!! Meet at 9 AM at the 3B Ice Cream, north of the Dauphin Borough, neat the junction of PA 325 (Clark’s Valley Rd) and PA 225. This will be a moderate 6-mile hike. We will move a few cars out to the Victoria Trailhead, a few miles up the Clarks Valley Rd before carpooling up the mountain to the Peter’s Mountain Appalachian Trail Parking Lot. We will hike across the ridge on the Appalachian Trail with a stop at the Peter’s Mountain Shelter. This is one of the largest backcountry shelters on the entire Appalachian Trail. After a brief rest, we will continue on to the Whitetail Trail before dropping down to the trailhead on the Clark’s Valley Rd. This will be a moderate hike on snow covered trails. Because of the warm weather these past few days, hiking poles are strongly urged as the descent could have a few slick spots before dropping below the snow lines and onto bare ground. Bring warm clothes, water, lunch, snacks, and camera for a day out in the woods. Optional post-hike lunch at the Stoney Creek Inn, in the Dauphin Borough. Because of the car pool situation, please email me if planning to attend. Leader : Mark Riordan (
Lemoyne Borough Building
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Learn how to maintain and fix your bicycle
Lenker Park
10:30 AM
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35 mile and about 2k feet of climb. Head out towards the gap. Ride over into Bellgrove area and return to the park
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Too much snow for riding BUT we can walk! The temperature is predicted to be 35 degrees and cloudy on Sunday but when walking with friends, the sun is always shining in your mind. We plan on walking from Derry St (behind the City Line Diner, 3302 Derry St, Hbg 17111) to the Civil War Museum and back. The walk begins at 1:00. Those who are interested in visiting the museum, we have a special group rate, $11. Normally, an adult is $16 or $15 for seniors. They asked that the group leader pay for the group (1 transaction) so please bring cash if you are interested in visiting the museum. (I will not be equipt to give change). Dick Norford agreed to ‘lead‘ the non-museum goers back to the trailhead. The museum closes at 5:00. If anyone is interested in setting up a shuttle to drive back to the trailhead at 5:00, let me know. Sunset is at 5:22 PM. A word of caution: Since the trail may have snow and ice, be smart and wear appropriate footwear. For additional information contact : Cindy Hogeman
Latimore Township Park
12:30 PM
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Joe Carr Athletic Fields
12:30 PM
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Less Info Distance: 30 miles Pace: 14 to 15 mph (average) Climb: 1400 ft
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Due to the predicted weather, bowling will be postponed to 1 :00 pm. Looking for something to do? Want to have fun? Come join us and bowl. WHERE: ABC North Bowling Lanes 5303 Locust Ln., Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. WHEN : 1:00 PM TODAY. Adult special price $2.00 per game - free shoes! This is a fun activity that we do on Thursday mornings. It is a show and bowl, typically three games but you can bowl less or more! This is not a league. All are welcome. No Judgement-Come discover what a good time we can have off the saddle. Friends, non members are always welcome.
Planet Fitness
12:30 PM
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Weather long range forecast is for snow and freezing rain to hold off until late afternoon - Let’s get outside before it gets too wet!!! If planning on coming, please email before Friday night in case weather changes the plan. Meet at 9 AM at the Clark’s Valley (PA 325) Appalachian Trail crossing (10 miles east of 3B Ice Cream and just before the Dehart Dam). This will be a moderate 6.5-mile hike. We will car pool down to the Victoria Trailhead, a few miles back the Clarks Valley Rd before heading up the Victoria Trail and Whitetail Trail for the Appalachian Trail. We will hike across the ridge on the Appalachian Trail with a brief “snack stop” at the Kitner View Point before dropping down to the Clark’s Valley trailhead. This will be a moderate hike. Trails are snow free but hiking poles are strongly urged as there could be some slick spots Bring warm clothes, water, lunch, snacks, and camera for a day out in the woods. Optional post-hike lunch at the Stoney Creek Inn, in the Dauphin Borough. Because of possible long range weather forecast changes, please email me if planning to attend. Leader : Mark Riordan (
Lemoyne Borough Building
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Learn how to maintain and fix your bicycle
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Distance: 30 miles Pace: 14 to 15 mph Climb: 928 ft Departing from: Planet Fitness 1186 Walnut Bottom Road Carlisle PA Phone: 717-701-2598
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The weather for this coming Wednesday does not look good for an outside ride, so let’s go inside. Let’s spin at the new Harrisburg Jewish Community Center. Actually at the Symons Family Fitness Center located on the second floor of the Administration Building at 2986 North 2nd Street, Harrisburg. There is an underground parking garage, and the entrance is at the south end of the campus. See signs for Parking off 2nd Street near the cross walk. In the garage, opposite the drive-in entrance, is a buzzer/camera for entry. Buzz in and tell them you are coming for the fitness center, follow the path to the elevator, and go to the 2nd floor. We will gather there. There are lockers and showers and all sort of other exercise equipment (and other classes if you are interested). Arrival time – 10 AM If this is your first visit to the Harrisburg JCC Fitness area, they ask that you sign a waiver. If your insurance (Silver Sneakers, FitOn etc.) covers fitness areas please bring that card. There is a drop-in charge of $10 per visit, if not covered otherwise. I have curated about an hour of excellent music - suitable for spinning, hill climbing, and just cruising along. It is based on a specific theme, as requested - The British Invasion. Come (from the West Shore, from Hershey, and all over) and enjoy an indoor ride. If you have any questions, or troubles finding the location and getting in, please call me – Garry Brinton, 717-571-5202. If the Fitness Center opening is delayed or closed due to weather I will announce any changes by 8 AM
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Looking for something to do? Want to have fun? Come join us and bowl. WHERE: ABC North Bowling Lanes 5303 Locust Ln., Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. WHEN : 9:00 AM Adult special price $2.00 per game - free shoes! This is a fun activity that we do on Thursday mornings. It is a show and bowl, typically three games but you can bowl less or more! This is not a league. All are welcome. No Judgement-Come discover what a good time we can have off the saddle. Friends, non members are always welcome.
Joe Carr Athletic Fields
12:30 PM
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Come on out for our Valentine‘s Day ride! Distance: 30 miles Pace: 14 to 15 mph (average) Climb: 1400 ft
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Join several other HBC members for another wonderful concert at the Manor on Front in Harrisburg. At these small venue concerts, you get to interact with the guest artists and enjoy outstanding performances in comfortable setting. The cost is a $35 donation. More details can be found at
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Carroll County Ag Center in Westminster, MD : 28th annual STOP SWAP AND SAVE, the East Coast’s largest indoor bicycle swap meet and consumer bike expo.
Wildwood Park -Olewine Nature Center
11:00 AM
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It‘s pretty cold out there for a bike ride, but the winds are dying down by Wednesday and it should be a good day for a hike. Meet at 11:00 a.m. at the Olewine Nature Center at Wildwood Park and we‘ll take the park trail which winds around for about 3 miles. There are some ups and downs to add some challenge and warm us up. Part of the trail is paved and part is wood chipped. If we‘re lucky, we‘ll see some wildlife while we are there. Plan to arrive a bit early to peruse the nature exhibits and gift shop in the Oldewine Center. They have warm bathrroms there, too! Dress for cold weather, but we should have some sun to make it more pleasant. The address is 100 Wildwood Way, Harrisburg. We‘ll head to the Front Street Diner for lunch after the walk. If you are just coming for lunch, plan to be there at 12:15 p.m. Leader: Marilyn Chastek 717-798-4537
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Looking for something to do? Want to have fun? Come join us and bowl. WHERE: ABC North Bowling Lanes 5303 Locust Ln., Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. WHEN : 9:00 AM Adult special price $2.00 per game - free shoes! This is a fun activity that we do on Thursday mornings. It is a show and bowl, typically three games but you can bowl less or more! This is not a league. All are welcome. No Judgement-Come discover what a good time we can have off the saddle. Friends, non members are always welcome.
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Looking for something to do? Want to have fun? Come join us and bowl. WHERE: ABC North Bowling Lanes 5303 Locust Ln., Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. WHEN : 9:00 AM Adult special price $2.00 per game - free shoes! This is a fun activity that we do on Thursday mornings. It is a show and bowl, typically three games but you can bowl less or more! This is not a league. All are welcome. No Judgement-Come discover what a good time we can have off the saddle. Friends, non members are always welcome.