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HBC Picnic

Larry P Wasser | Published on 7/13/2020

We had a good day for the HBC Picnic on Sunday, July 12. About 30 people showed up to ride and approximately the same number joined us for lunch. Cloud cover and a nice breeze combined to make it comfortable for riding and picnicking in the shade. It was nice to have some time to chat with members we haven't seen for a while

Thanks to these ride leaders:


  • Loren Barisch - B ride
  • Mark Dolheimer - C+ ride
  • Marilyn Chastek - C ride
  • Dave Young - EZC ride
  • John Humphries - D ride
And a special thanks to Sue Casto who was the official greeter in charge of handing out energy bars to all riders    Click the button to get more photos

2020 HBC Picnic

Special Tandem