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2019 Harrisburg Bicycle Grants Guidelines

Published on 5/7/2019

Applications Are Being Accepted June 1- Sept. 1, 2019 for the HBC Community Grants  Program 


HBC has been very fortunate to have had several years where the Three Creek Century has generated surplus revenue, making it possible to offer grant opportunities to bicycling-related community organizations.  Approved grant amounts have ranged from $250.00 to $3,000.00. Qualifying projects and services have and must be in alignment with HBC’s mission: To encourage and promote the riding of bicycles, including the safety and enjoyment of all riders at all skill levels and on all types of bikes.


The amount of funding available for the 2019 grants will be dependent upon the success of the 2019 Three Creek Century planned for Sept. 15.  


Marilyn Chastek is the HBC grant chairperson. Any questions can be directed to her at


For more information about the grant guidelines click the button below

HBC Grant Application Guideline