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Member Expectations

Published on 3/8/2019

                                                HARRISBURG BICYCLE CLUB MEMBERSHIP EXPECTATIONS


As a Harrisburg Bicycle Club member I recognize that as a participant in club activities I represent the Harrisburg Bicycle Club to other cyclists, government officials and the general public.  I therefore will adhere to the Harrisburg Bicycle Club’s Member Expectations when participating in any and all club activities and when representing the HBC.  (“Representing the club” is considered to be anytime you are at an event where you are registered as an HBC member, and/or anytime you are wearing apparel that includes the name and/or logo of HBC.)  I understand that this list of membership expectations cannot comprehensively address all possible scenarios; rather it functions as a standard of behaviors implemented along with common sense. 


Group Cycling Safety


As an HBC member I will:


1. Have a bicycle in good working condition including functioning brakes.


2. Recognize that bicycles are considered vehicles under Pennsylvania law.


3. Wear a helmet whenever riding.


4. Not use any listening devices of any kind while on a club ride, unless medically necessary.


5. Not ride under the influence of any substance that may impair my abilities.


6. Not engage in the open carrying of weapons on HBC rides and events.


7. Ride in single file in traffic and on narrow roads.


8. Understand riding two abreast is allowed, however riding three or more abreast is illegal on public roads.


9. Not call out “All clear”.


10. Ride predictably, not erratically, and avoid sudden stops.


11. Ride on the right side of the road and not hug the center line.


12. Call out and pass another cyclist on the left side.


13. Pull over in an area that allows me to get completely off the road when stopping.


14. Not cross or overlap wheels with another cyclist unless passing. 



Group Cycling Etiquette


As an HBC member I will:


1. Heed the ride leader’s instructions.


2. Be prepared to ride at the published start time and sign in by listing my name on the sign-in sheet.


3. Ride within the advertised pace.


4. Plan to stay with the group, but if I break off before the ride is over, inform the leader or sweep.


5. Understand I am no longer on a club ride and will be on my own when I break off from the group.


6. Understand I am on my own ride if I am ahead of the leader.


7. Use hand and verbal signals to alert other cyclists of hazards or directions and pass them along from the front or rear.


8. On “NO DROP RIDES” watch out for the rider/s behind me, making sure I can see them at all times.


9. Not discharge bodily fluids when a cyclist is behind me.


10. Avoid confrontation with motorists, other cyclists or pedestrians even if they are in the wrong.


11. Select the appropriate ride pace for my ability on HBC rides.


12. Respect the ride leader’s advice concerning which ride classification to join.  


13. Not engage in physical abuse or malicious actions toward any person while riding or at any club event.


14. Not engage in the use of foul language, verbal abuse and obscene gestures while riding or at any club event.


15. Not engage in unlawful activity, including theft or fraud and intentional damage to property.


16. Not engage in the use, sale, possession, or distribution of illegal drugs.


17. Not engage in non-consensual physical contact, unwanted sexual advances, and any behavior that would be defined as sexual harassment under EEOC (Equal Opportunity Employment Commission) guidelines.


18. Not engage in conduct which is hostile, threatening, abusive, harassing, or discriminatory toward others. 



Approved and implemented 2018