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About this event
Saturday C for June 29 will depart at 8:30 AM from the Fishing Creek Valley Community Center. Address is 1361 Fishing Creek Valley Rd, Harrisburg, PA 17112. This location is on the south side of Fishing Creek Valley Rd, between Frog Hollow Rd and the entry for Boyd's Big Tree preserve. There is a porta-potty at this location.
Our route will be a variation of familiar roads heading out to Bow Creek Rd and returning. We will take a break at the Exxon convenience store at mile 13. The variant is that instead of climbing Sleepy Hollow on the way outbound, we will climb Fairville & Piketown Rds on the return leg, then go down Sleepy Hollow Rd. The Piketown climb maxes out at 8% but is doable by any C cyclist. The ride down Sleepy Hollow is great fun and it's all cruising back to the end point from there. Route link is at bottom of this note.
Total distance 27.3 miles, elevation 1330 ft.