The O’Dell’s Townhouses at Hobart-William Smith (HWS) Colleges in Geneva are on the northern end of Seneca Lake. The townhouses and the barn sit around a pond, with a walking path along the pond’s edge connecting them. All townhouses have 3 single bedrooms and a bathroom upstairs, with a second bathroom downstairs. The 4 bedroom townhouses have an additional single bedroom downstairs, and four 5 bedroom townhouses have 2 additional bedrooms downstairs. The downstairs bedroom and bathroom are handicapped accessible. All units are air conditioned, although Units 25-36 only have window AC Units in the bedrooms.
HWS providers bed linens (sheets, pillowcase and a light blanket), a pillow, one bath towel and washcloth. You may want to bring another towel, washcloth, and an extra blanket if the evenings are expected to be cool.
WIFI is available, and the current password will be provided to you at check-in. Each townhouse has the necessary college-dorm type bedroom furniture. It is possible, but not easy to move 2 single beds into one bedroom. If you do move the furniture, make sure to return it to where you found it before departure.
There is also a small furnished living area and kitchen with a refrigerator, stove and sink. Please note that there is no microwave, no coffeemaker, no cooking utensils, no plates, flatware, cups or equipment in the kitchen, so you need to bring anything you will want to use. If you like your living accommodations to be spotless, you might want to bring some light cleaning supplies. However, the students who maintain the units over the summer do a decent job that most people are content with. You do need to bring your own paper towels, and wash cloth for use in the kitchen. Bring hand sanitizer and hand soap for use in the bathroom. Please remember that these are college dorms used by students, and plan accordingly. Bring your own hair dryer, as desired, since none are provided.
If you prefer, you can make your own off-campus lodging arrangements. There are several hotels and campgrounds in the area. But you must still submit a registration form and sign the release. See “Off-campus” option on the Finger Lakes Registration Form.
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