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HomeEventsSaturday, January 4th – HBC Goes Hiking – Climb Peters Mountain

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Saturday, January 4th – HBC Goes Hiking – Climb Peters Mountain

Date and Time

Saturday, January 04, 2025, 9:00 AM until 5:00 PM

Event Contact(s)

Mark Riordan


f) Other (non-HBC) Events

Registration Info

Registration is not Required

About this event

Weather forecast is for COLD so we will do some climbing to stay warm!!!!

Meet at 9 AM at the Appalachian Trail crossing of PA 225, just north of Dauphin Borough. The Appalachian Trail parking lot is at the top of the hill, on the right.

This will be a moderate 6-mile hike. We will car pool down to the US 322 Clark’s Ferry Bridge east side commuter parking lot for a moderate 6-mile hike up to the PA 325 parking lot.

It will be a moderate climb up to the top of the ridge and the Clark’s Ferry Shelter. Lots of views of the river, below. From the shelter, easy ups and downs along the ridgetop to the cars.

Optional post-hike lunch at the Stoney Creek Inn, in the Dauphin Borough. Bring warm clothes, water, lunch, snacks, and camera for a day out in the woods.

Because of the car pool situation, please email me if planning to attend.

Leader : Mark Riordan (