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Saturday Morning C+ - Lower Paxton, Memorial Lake Route
a) Ride Leader Assigned
Registration Info
Registration is not Required
About this event
Starting from a new location we will run a route out to Memorial Lake and return for a total of 48 miles. This route or one very similar, the leader has taken and led rides on numerous times in the past 15 years. However, this is a new route for the Grantville area rides. While we won't be starting near Grantville we will pass through it. We are starting at 8:00 AM, as the current forecast is for a high of 90F later in the day and we want time to do other things later in the day.
The route -
For anyone interested, there is a pool, shower and bath at the start location, so bring you swim suit and a towel if you want to swim. I can tell that bicycle shorts make great swim wear. Also, refreshments will be offered afterwards. Riders may also, have family members come. If so, have them bring a dish to share. Those coming and planning to stay should have a swim suit and towel, if they intend to use the inground pool.