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HomeEventsSaturday December 9th Mechanicsburg C Ride

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Saturday December 9th Mechanicsburg C Ride

Date and Time

Saturday, December 9, 2023, 11:45 AM Eastern Time (US & Canada) (UTC-05:00)


Mechanicsburg High School
500 S. Broad St.
Mechanicsburg, PA  17055

Event Contact(s)

Brian Horner
7175764291 (p)
7175764291 (c)


a) Ride Leader Assigned

Registration Info

Registration is not Required

About this event

Welcome to the Mechanicsburg C ride! We meet Saturdays behind the Mechanicsburg High School and this week the time will be 11:45 the ride will begin. The pace is between 11-13mph depending on the leader and the route. If you are running late please call ahead!

Please NOTE START TIME! 11:45 sharp! don't forget water and snacks we will take a break